The Pros and Cons of a Bespoke Uniform

If you are a uniform buyer and have been tasked with the job of going to uniform tender this article should be useful for you.

It may be the first time that you have had to deal with the purchase and tender for uniform or workwear.

So where do you start and what should you buy? Bespoke uniform design or stock uniform supply?

You might be surprised to know that a bespoke uniform may cost less than a stock supported uniform.  However, it does require some upfront planning and a good understanding of the steps in the process.


The advantage of having your own bespoke designed garments is that you get to set the budget, consult with a designer, undertake working parties to co-design with employees and stand out from the competition. You will also get better consistency in colour and fit which is something you should consider if your uniform needs to be stocked and distributed over several years.


Great design will ensure your collection has longevity and you can access new innovative fabrics, your very own prints, styles, and unique wardrobe. 


If you want a bespoke uniform, there are a few things you need to consider, we can help guide you. For example, the number of employees in your business will determine the supply route as will the number of styles required per job role. You also need to consider the speed of delivery and look at the options to purchase in different geographical regions.


Many brands work with us directly to engage with employees and create a design a bespoke collection prior to going to tender. This can give you a great advantage, especially if you have a full suite of specifications ready to go to market and get your garments costed competitively.


So why do some people buy off the shelf garments? Mostly, it’s down to speed of service and very often, minimising stockholding. Some of our clients opt for this route and we design accessories like scarves and ties to make the uniform more identifiable and bring their branding into the accessories.


If you need a consultant to help with your uniform tender, get in touch.

We can help with design, fit, employee focus groups, stock consolidation, wearer trials and garment specifications to put you in a better position to get tender ready.


Paula Cannon