What is Genderless Fashion?

Genderless fashion is not putting a particular type of clothing on a particular person by gender. It is designing a piece of clothing that anybody and everyone can wear. 

Genderless fashion It gives people the freedom to wear whatever they want, regardless of tradition or stigma for going against it.

However, if you start a genderless fashion line you don’t have to choose. You can get the best of both worlds. Genderless fashion opens up the possibility of anyone wearing your clothing designs. You also serve as a safe space for people to openly showcase who they are and be more creative when picking their wardrobe.

Once you have created a brand identity, you can then start growing your social following. When your clothing is genderless you can cast a wider net to find your ideal customer. Women, men, and non-binary avatars would work in your favour. By having all genders following your social, you can better understand where their pain points are. Your audience will appreciate your demonstration of diversity and inclusiveness.

Diversity and inclusivity not only applies to gender, but also to sizing. Genderless clothing is opening a new door in the fashion industry to free sizing and allowing people to be who they are and feel safe about it. It is possible to use genderless garment design to make an impact in the industry and in people’s lives.  

Have you got a great idea for a genderless fashion brand?


Why not join our Bootcamp and get it up and running in just 5 days HERE 



Paula Cannon